Children's Events
9:00 & 10:15 AM
Kid's Church
Ages K-5th Grade
Sundays at 9:00 children meet in classrooms for growth groups. At 10:15, they meet in the second-floor room following the music portion of the worship service. Leaders have had background checks and received risk management training prior to being given responsibility for working with the children.
6:30 PM
Go Kids
Kindergarten-5th Grade
A fun and educational time for children to learn about God and the Bible. We meet kids right where they are and let them have fun while preparing them to live a fulfilling life with Jesus at the center.
9:00 & 10:15 AM
Noah's Park
Preschool age
Learn about Jesus and the Bible, with plenty of time to play.
10:00 AM
Infants - two years
Nursery care is provided during Sunday worship services.